David A. Taylor, PE, ASSE 6060

About David

David has been with Barton since 2022 serving as our Director of Plumbing and Fire Protection. He attended The University of South Florida, earning a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

When asked what he likes the most about the ESOP, David states “It’s another path to retirement funds that just happens as an employee without me needing to contribute.”

Tell us a little bit about your life at home.

We live in a nice house with our 16-year-old son and two rescue dogs. Our daughter attends ECU.

What’s your hometown?

I grew up in Tampa and mostly lived there until about 2009.

Where did you go to college?

University of South Florida (Go Bulls) in Tampa, FL.

What was your first job in engineering like?

It was horrible. I was doing asbestos consulting and hated it.

What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?

I ran a truck scale at a local metal recycling yard.

How long have you been with Barton?

17 months.

What does being part of an ESOP mean to you?

It means everyone takes ownership of the work we do, which can lead to higher quality work products.

What do you love the most about your job?

I really enjoy mentoring staff and helping them understand what it is we do and how we should go about doing it.

If I wasn’t an Engineer, I’d be?

Retired, but my wife thinks I’d be an inventor.

What’s your favorite sport?

I used to race sailboats in Tampa Bay, that was a bunch of fun. I also used to fly gliders which was a hugely fun sport.

I’m seldom without?

A project to build or work on. I like tinkering and projects keep me busy.

When I’m not at work I’m doing…….

Playing with my radio control model aircraft, tinkering with electronics, building stereo equipment, or repairing whatever is broken around the house.

Favorite pizza topping?

I’m not really a pizza fan, so I’ll say a nice medium-rare steak. If it has to come on top of a pizza, I’m a problem solver so I can fix that.

What’s on your “Stranded on a Desert Island” playlist?

The Grateful Dead, American Beauty, Boston’s first album, Old Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, and I’d prefer to have my hi-fi equipment with me on that island.

What’s your hidden talent?

I can fix anything (not anything but I’m pretty good at repairing things, especially electronics). I built all my stereo equipment.

What’s the one movie you can watch over and over again?

Anything by Monty Python.

What’s on your bucket list?

Sailing around the world.

When I go to a cookout I hope there’s ________ to eat.

Good food.

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

Purim – It’s a huge party and the rabbis are usually making their way around the synagogue with bottles of scotch.

Have you ever met your idol or someone famous? if so, who?

I once met Charles Barkley in a subway shop in Scottsdale, AZ circa 1994. My mom didn’t recognize him and asked me if he was Mike Tyson.

What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?

Don’t sweat the little things and choose your battles. Some things aren’t worth getting worked up over.

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