About Denise
Dense has been with Barton for over 13 years serving as our Human Resources Administrator!
“The ESOP is an extra incentive to do my very best, not only for me and my future retirement but also for the team and the growth of the company. Helps to create a sense of engagement and community which builds a strong culture within the team.” Stated Denise when asked what being part of an ESOP means to her.

Tell us a little about your family/home life.
I’ve been married to my husband Jeffrey for 34 years. We have three sons, two granddaughters, and three grandsons ranging from 1-16 years of age, with one more grandson on the way in late April. Originally from Northeastern, PA, we moved to New Freedom, PA, over 20 years ago.
What’s your hometown?
Lehman, PA 20 minutes from Wilkes-Barre.
What was your first job in engineering like?
I entered the engineering industry back in 2008 as an Office Manager for a family-owned small engineering firm in Harrisburg, PA. Two years later the firm was purchased by Barton Associates.
What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?
As a senior in high school, I was asked to tutor students in three local school districts in accounting through a mentor program sponsored by Luzerne County Community College.
How long have you been with Barton?
Since June 2010 when IEQ Engineering was acquired by Barton Associates.
What do you like most about the ESOP?
Having a voice, knowing that my opinion matters.
How does the ESOP impact you the most?
Brings the team together for a common goal.
What do you love most about your job?
I love the interaction with the team. I enjoy watching each employee grow in their role. Providing strong support to each one of the team. From the newest hire to the latest retiree, I enjoy the interaction with each one of them.
What’s your favorite sport (professional, college, or other)?
My family and I are true diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fans, with Penn State football taking a close second.
I’m seldom without?
My cell phone but seriously, you seldom see me without my family.
When I’m not at work I’m doing…..
Volunteer work at the York Regional Dream Center, Community Closet.
Favorite pizza topping?
What’s on your “stranded on a desert island” playlist?
All songs by Casting Crowns.
What’s your hidden talent?
I have the gift of an encourager/peacemaker.
What’s the one movie you can watch over and over again?
Lion King with my grandkids.
What’s on your bucket list?
Purchasing a camper and traveling the states after retirement.
When I go to a cookout I hope there’s _______ to eat.
London Broil cooked medium rare with corn on the cob.
What’s your favorite holiday and why?
My birthday. Each year is a time of celebration, being grateful for another year, recalling special family memories of the year past, and the start of new ones!
Best book you’ve ever read?
Crucial Conversations.
What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?
Always speak with kindness, never let words of anger leave your mouth.