About Duane
Duane is a mechanical engineer that has over 33 years of experience in the engineering profession. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University.
Duane was originally hired in May 1988, and left for about a year in 2004. He came back in November 2005 and has been here ever since then. He states, “I have always enjoyed working at Barton. Being part of an ESOP is just icing on the cake. It just gives an additional incentive to do a good job.”
Tell us a little bit about your life at home.
Jackie and I have been married 34 years. We have a son, Myron, and a grandson, Tristan. All of us live in Venice, FL. We moved from York to Venice in December of 2010, and have been loving it ever since.
What is your hometown?
York, PA
What was your first job in engineering like?
This is my first engineering job. It is a constant learning experience, and a rewarding one.
What was the first job you got paid to do?
Worked for a residential contractor during summers in high school.
What do you love most about your job?
I enjoy being part of the process that creates a new/renovated building. It is rewarding to see a completed project after construction and know you had a role in making it happen.
If I wasn’t an engineer/designer, I’d be…
A computer programmer.
What’s your favorite sport (professional, college, or other)?
Football – Penn State and the Miami Dolphins
When I’m not at work I’m…
Walking, riding a bike, working on odd jobs around the house, going to the beach, playing with my grandson.
My favorite pizza topping is…
Italian sausage
What’s on your “stranded on a desert island” playlist?
Classic rock and classic country
What is the one movie you can watch over and over again?
Shawshank Redemption
What’s on your bucket list?
Visit some U.S. landmarks such as Grand Canyon, Yosemite, etc.