About Frank
Frank has been with Barton for over 2 years serving as a Senior Mechanical Engineer at our York Office. He attended The Pennsylvania State University where he earned a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering.
When asked what he likes the most about the ESOP, Frank states “That everyone is included as employee-owners and that ownership is not limited to a select group”
Tell us a little bit about your life at home.
I live with my wife, Morgan and son, Frankie in Media, PA. It’s been hectic the past 8 months while we adjust to being new parents, but it’s also been so fun and rewarding watching him grow even if we haven’t always got a full night’s sleep. Recently, Frankie started crawling around so we’re constantly chasing him around the house.
What’s your hometown?
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Also lived in State College; Detroit, MI; Philadelphia, PA; and Media, PA.
Where did you go to college?
Penn State.
What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?
I worked at Dairy Queen while in high school. I bet that I could still make most of the Blizzards excluding any of the new ones although I bet I could get close to the recipe knowing what ingredients they have.
How long have you been with Barton?
Two and a half years.
How does the ESOP impact you the most?
Provides a constant reminder that work directly impacts the success of our company.
What do you love most about your job?
There’s always a new challenge; no two projects are ever the same.
If I wasn’t an Engineer, I’d be?
Most definitely a professional golfer. Although I’m not sure I’d make many cuts… Maybe a professional placekicker? Although I’m not sure I’d make many field goals… I guess I’ll just keep doing this.
What’s your favorite sport (professional, college, or other)?
Baseball and unfortunately, I’m a Pirates fan.
When I’m not at work I’m doing……
Very slowly renovating my house. Currently, I’m working on replacing the lighting and ceiling in our kitchen.
What’s your “Stranded on a Desert Island” playlist?
Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai.
What’s your hidden talent?
I’m pretty good at Tetris.
What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Halloween because I like to eat the leftover candy.
What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?
To speak slower when presenting technical information.