About George
George joined Barton in 2005 and since has served for over 18 years as a Construction Services Representative at our York Office. He attended The United States Military Academy where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics.
“It means that I have a personal stake in our company’s current and future success, just like every other employee-owner at Barton. It means that I owe it to every member of our team to do my best. We all owe that to each other.” Stated George when asked about what the ESOP means to him.
Tell us a little bit about your life at home.
My wife Heather and I live in Middletown, close to lots of her family. Heather works as an operating room nurse. I have a stepdaughter, Jordan, who lives with her husband in South Carolina where she is a college admissions recruiter, and her husband is in seminary to become a pastor. Our non-work time is spent mostly with family, friends, and hobbies.
What’s your hometown?
I grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Where did you go to college?
I am fortunate to be a graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point.
What was your first job in engineering like?
My first job in engineering was with the plastics division of Mobil Oil. I was a “project engineer” and traveled on long-term assignments all over the US. I spent 6 months to 2 years at a time in California, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Canada. Our engineering team would lead projects all the way from construction of the building to machinery start-up and training of new employees. It was a lot of fun.
What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?
OK, this one is a little embarrassing, but I look back at it and laugh now. In high school, I dressed up in a clown suit (no kidding) and delivered balloon bouquets in my station wagon for a florist shop in Little Rock.
How long have you been with Barton?
This is my 18th year.
What do you like most about the ESOP?
The transparency of the numbers, and the fact that our company’s success is both measurable and objective. I think the whole ESOP concept also builds teamwork.
What do you love most about your job?
Not one thing but two – I really enjoy seeing the tangible results of our engineering work in the field. I also really enjoy the relationships I get to build along the way.
If I wasn’t a Construction Service Representative, I’d be?
I would be a high school physics teacher or high school band director.
When I’m not at work I’m doing……
When I’m not at work, I’m often at our family vacation home in the Finger Lakes. We have a small vineyard there and we make wine. Last year we made just a little less than 900 bottles in 5 different styles.
What’s your hidden talent?
I can ride a unicycle.
What’s your favorite holiday?
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It’s a true holiday and hasn’t been hijacked like Christmas, which is probably my least favorite. Thanksgiving gives me a time each year to deeply reflect on how good God has been to me and my family. It’s just a time for me to be quiet and grateful and around the people I love the most.