Kelly L. Fry, MBA

About Kelly

Kelly has been with Barton for over 14 years serving as Barton’s Director of Marketing. She attended The Pennsylvania State University where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University where she earned her Master of Business Administration.

When asking Kelly what she likes most about the ESOP, she states, “I like working for an ESOP company because it makes me feel like I’m an important piece of a puzzle (and I love a good puzzle!). It empowers me to work harder and make the company as successful as it can be.”

Tell us a little bit about your life at home.

My husband, Michael and I have been married for over 16 years and we both graduated from Penn State and never left the area. We have two amazing daughters, Elin and Caroline, that keep us busy 24/7! We also have a dog (Gus), a cat (Nala) and a leopard gecko (Abu).

What’s your hometown?

I grew up in Danville, PA.

What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?

My first job was working at West Coast Video, my family and I watched a lot of movies during that time!

What does being part of an ESOP mean to you?

Being part of an ESOP company means that we’re all in this together, working towards the ultimate goal of success.

What do you love most about your job?

I enjoy that I get to work with people in all of our offices.

If I wasn’t the Director of Marketing, I’d be?

I would create miniature golf courses. I always loved going to the beach as a kid and playing fun miniature golf courses and I think it would be fun to create a PSU themed one.

What’s your favorite sport (professional, college, or other)?

My husband and I have been PSU season ticket holders longer than we’ve been married! We also enjoy trying to catch a New York Mets game every year. Thank goodness our kids enjoy watching sports as much as we do!

I’m seldom without…


When I’m not at work I’m doing……

I’m either walking the dog, at a softball field, or driving my kids around.

What’s on your “stranded on a desert island” playlist?

A good mix from pop to country to rap music.

What’s the one movie you can watch over and over again?

Breakfast Club.

What’s on your bucket list?

Just to continue to be able to travel to new places with my family.

What’s your favorite holiday?

Fourth of July.

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