About Roger
Roger joined Barton in 2005 as an mechanical engineer and now serves as one of Barton’s Vice Presidents. He attended The Pennsylvania State University where he earned his Bachelor of Architectural Engineering. As a Vice President his role is to serve as a business unit leader overseeing the daily activities of the State College office.
When asking Roger what do you most like about the ESOP, he states, “The positive impact I have seen with all the employees (and birthday cupcakes!).”
Tell us a little bit about your life at home.
I am happily engaged to the love of my life Jen! She keeps me sane and able to be focused on things at work! We have four amazing kids that keep us busy, but we find time to travel, spend time outdoors and watch PSU Football!
What was your first job in engineering like?
I had a great experience and a wonderful set of mentors! (Thanks Phil Pipta!) I was fortunate to work with a group of engineers that had a diverse experience, so I was exposed to numerous project types and was challenged every day.
What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?
Life Guard.
Now that Barton is an ESOP what does being part of an ESOP mean to you?
Having an opportunity to impact the future of our organization.
How does the ESOP impact you the most?
The ESOP gives me an additional way to save for retirement and prepare for my future!
What do you love most about your job?
I love to interact with our clients and deliver projects that meet and exceed their expectations. I also have an amazing team in State College that I get to work with everyday.
If I wasn’t an Engineer, I’d be?
I’d be a professional Bass Fisherman!
What’s your favorite sport (professional, college, or other)?
When I’m not at work I’m doing……
I’m out on the water in my boat or kayak fishing for Bass!
Favorite pizza topping?
What’s the one movie you can watch over and over again?
Star Wars.
What’s on your bucket list?
Trip to Europe/Italy.
What’s on your “stranded on a desert island” playlist?
I would need audiobooks to keep me sane!