Zack L. Tomlin, PE

About Zack

Zach joined Barton in 2011 and has served as the Director of Operations for over 10 years at our Raleigh office. He attended the North Carolina State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science, in Mechanical Engineering.

When asked how the ESOP impacts him the most, Zack states “Incentives are aligned. What is good or bad for one person, is typically good or bad for all.”

Tell us a little bit about your life at home.

My wonderful wife (Jackie) and I are the proud parents of two daughters (Hadley – 2y & Abilene – 3m) and one furry, degenerate son (Bruce, the dog).

What’s your hometown?

Statesville, NC (former state capital, home to the 2nd largest hot air balloon rally).

Where did you go to college?

North Carolina State University.

What was your first job in engineering like?

Time travel. They still smoked in the office, bourbon most days at 4:30. I lasted 9 months, but learned a ton and am thankful for the opportunity.

What was the first job you got a physical paycheck?

Construction site grunt when I was 14-15.

How long have you been with Barton?

12 years.

What do you like most about the ESOP?

Everyone has a stake in what they’re doing.

Favorite pizza topping?

Banana Peppers.

What’s your hidden talent?

Microwave time and power settings. Thoroughly heated, but instantly edible, that’s what you get.

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

Thanksgiving, weather, food, no crazy gift buying, and a guaranteed 4-day weekend.

Have you ever met your idol or someone famous?

I did meet Ric Flair at the airport once.

Best book you’ve ever read?

“Best” is hard to answer, but some that come to mind… Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Sun Also Rises, A Confederacy of Dunces, Thoughts in Solitude, and “Hit on the Head with a Cow” (Joseph Mitchell).

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