Michael Ginder, PE, LEED AP, CEPSS-HC

Streamlining Essential Electrical System Testing in Healthcare Facilities

Essential Electrical Systems (EES) are needed in most healthcare facilities for several reasons found within multiple building codes. Most notably these specific requirements are found in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70; National Electrical Code, and NFPA 99; Healthcare Facilities Code.  The size and complexity of the required EES can vary significantly depending on building … Read more

A Collaboration – Patient Care Area Classifications and Risk Assessments

There is an aspect of healthcare facility design that neither the design team nor the healthcare facility can avoid in any project – the classification of patient care areas and associated risk assessments. The Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) Design and Construction for Hospitals, and FGI Design and Construction for Outpatient Facilities, and NFPA 99, The … Read more

Power Quality in Healthcare Facilities

Power quality can have a significant impact on a building’s electrical distribution system and the associated loads. The results of poor power quality can range from operational issues and premature failure of equipment to additional charges on your utility bill that can negatively affect an organization’s bottom line. One of the load types proven to … Read more

Benefits of Centralized Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems

When evaluating the design criteria for an electrical distribution system in a facility of significant magnitude, vast complexity, or of critical operations, such as a hospital, a centralized uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system backed up by the emergency standby power source should be considered. There are numerous benefits associated with utilizing a central UPS system … Read more