Navigating Today’s Complex Energy Landscape – Volume 1

Confused About Energy?

The word energy is arguably the most commonly used word in the architecture/engineering/construction industry these days; and rightfully so. The increasing cost associated with energy, along with the threat of energy instability and America’s dependence on foreign energy sources are certainly matters that need our attention. In addition, the recent removal of rate caps in Pennsylvania adds another level of complexity.

The topic of energy has many facets; and with all of the conversations about energy ranging from legislation and government stimulus programs to renewable and alternative energy technologies, it can cause confusion. In addition, the varying viewpoints and recommendations given by professional product and service providers can make it hard to decipher between fact and fiction.

As business owners, operators, managers, designers and contractors, we are obligated to fully understand today’s energy landscape in order to develop a strategic energy plan for our business and for our clients. This requires an integrated approach to energy that considers all of the major drivers for energy conservation along with the strategies surrounding them. Any strategic energy plan should include tactics for energy procurement, conservation, improvements and continuous measurement and conservation.

Over the course of the next several weeks, we will highlight each of the following major components of today’s energy landscape to help you make the most informed decisions:

  • Legislation & Deregulation
  • Energy Measurement & Conservation
  • Renewable & Alternative Technology
  • Funding & Grant Opportunities.

Barton Associates can provide a knowledgeable, unbiased, third party perspective that may help clear up some of the confusion surrounding the topic of energy. From understanding the latest laws and stimulus programs and helping to identify potential funding sources to conducting a needs assessment and energy analysis; designing renewable or alternative energy systems and performing ongoing commissioning services, we are here to provide an integrated approach to your strategic energy plan.

If you would like more information about Barton’s energy services, please contact Michael Rader, PE at or (717) 845-7654.

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