Building Information Modeling

Staying Updated with Revit and BIM

Ever since Revit came onto the scene in 2000, the AEC industry has been adopting it and the underlying Building Information Modeling (BIM) concepts across an ever-increasing range of projects and building types. The software itself has also undergone many changes over the past 24 years, from the early single-user only models to today’s cloud … Read more

Using BIM to Coordinate Designs

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has rapidly changed the construction industry in recent years. One of the most powerful uses of BIM is the ability to integrate models from the architect, structural engineer, MEP engineers and others to discover and resolve potential conflicts in constructability before the project moves into construction. This allows the design team … Read more

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Many times we hear the term BIM. But what does this mean? When an owner asks if the project is going to be done in BIM, what is he really expecting? The AIA has a document, E202-2008 “Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit”, which provides a standard outline for the use of BIM information by a … Read more

BIM — The Next Generation of Design Technology

A relatively new technology is quickly making an impact on the design and construction industry. Building Infor­mation Modeling (BIM) introduces a new way for architects, engineers and construction professionals to deliver coordinated, accurate and computable information about a building or project throughout the design and construc­tion process. Through the use of software programs, BIM allows … Read more