arc flash

Safety First! Preventing Arc Flash Hazards

Every year, electrical safety accidents rank in the top ten of workplace-related fatalities and cause 75,000 plus workers to miss time to due shock and burn injuries. The threat of inadvertent shock, electrocution, and fire from electrical equipment has long been a known hazard in the electrical industry. In the last 20 years, however, the … Read more

Electrical Arc Flash: Does It Really Apply To Me?

It seems that over the past several months we have been hearing more and more about the hazards and codes related to electrical arc flash. There have been many seminars, conferences and training sessions popping up that are intended to raise awareness and explain the requirements associated with this electrical phenom­enon. One reason we are … Read more

Electrical Short Circuit and Coordination Studies for New and Existing Facilities

The word “efficiency” is not often associated with a power distribution system; however, following the appropri­ate protocol for conducting short circuit and coordination studies can help improve efficiency and safety for your building’s power distribution system. Short circuit and coordination studies are especially important for both normal and emergency power distribution systems within healthcare facilities … Read more

The Hazards of Arc-Flash

An electrical arc-flash is a hazardous electrical explosion caused by faulty conditions or a short circuit that can reportedly generate temperatures of up to 35,000ºF — nearly four times the temperature of the surface of the sun. The dangers associated with arc-flash include severe burns and even death. In addition, a facility can also face … Read more