Important Changes to the PA Construction Code Act (Act 45) of 1999 | Vol. 4: The 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (ECC)

The following are some key energy conservation code changes that engineers, architects and owners should know about in order to minimize negative impacts to your facility.

Section 502.2

Increased insulation requirements and details for opaque building elements including specific requirements for Group R occupancies.

Section 502.4

 Limitation of hot gas bypass based upon unit size.  The maximum hot gas bypass capacity for units greater than 20 nominal tons is now 25% and those less than 20 nominal tons is 50%. 

Section 503.2

Increased minimum efficiency requirements  for unitary air conditioners and condensing units, boilers and water chilling packages including full load and IPLV requirements. 

Fan power limitations are provided based on application.

Section 505.2

Added section on treatment/requirements of daylighting applications including the requirement to have daylight zone control.

Section 505.5

Added exemptions for many specialty lighting applications (retail, medical, advertising, performance).

For more information or questions about these changes, review the ECC on the International Code Council (ICC) website or contact Michael Rader, PE at or (717) 845-7654.

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