LED Lighting

If you are in the design, construction, or facilities management business you are probably getting inundated with questions about LED lighting. If you looked into LED’s a year ago, you were probably disappointed in the options available, light output, cost, etc. Commercial lighting applications utilizing LEDs as a light source have come a long way … Read more

Is the Lighting on When Nobody’s Home?

After cooling and heating systems, lighting is responsible for the largest consumption of electrical energy in a building. With energy and sustainability being near the top of almost every facility manager’s list of priorities these days, here are a few simple lighting upgrades that can help you save on your electrical energy costs: Lighting Controls … Read more

Incandescent, Compact Fluorescent or LED’s – Which Lighting Method is Best?

All lighting sources are not created equal, and simply providing the proper lighting level in a space is not always enough. Quality of light, efficacy, lamp cost (initial, replacement and life cycle) and environmental impacts are all key factors to consider when choosing the appropriate lighting source for a specific application. A proper lighting source … Read more